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RxPad Onboarding Instructions

This article should help simplify the RxPad onboarding process

Sidney Tsang avatar
Written by Sidney Tsang
Updated over a week ago


This guide has been created for Individual Prescribers and is intended for those whose:

A) Clinic is new to RxPad and you wish to join as a new user or;

B) Clinic is already set up in RxPad and you wish to join as a new user

My clinic is new to RxPad and I want to join as a new user


Step 1: Have your clinic's HPI-O number ready

Your HPI-O (Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation) is a unique number that identifies your organisation with the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service. This allows your organisation to electronically prescribe.

  • If you have your HPI-O number, have it handy for the sign up step.

  • If you can’t find your HPI-O number, click here for instructions.

  • If you don't have an HPI-O number, you will need to register your organisation as a seed organisation on PRODA. Click here for instructions.

Step 2: Link the RxPad CSP number to your organisation

To start prescribing using RxPad, you will need to link our contracted service provider (CSP number) to your organisation in PRODA.

  • If you have PRODA access, you can link our CSP number to your organisation in PRODA HPOS by entering RxPad’s CSP number (8003635833419263).

  • If you don’t have PRODA access, please get in touch with your Practice Manager or Admin and provide them with RxPad CSP number (8003635833419263).

  • For help, click here for instructions.


Step 1: Have you or your prescriber's HPI-I number ready

Your HPI-I (Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individuals) is a unique number that identifies you in the HI Service. Each individual clinician needs a HPI-I in order to electronically prescribe.

  • If you can’t find your HPI-I number, click here for instructions.

Step 2: Register each prescriber for an eRx Entity ID

eRx is the national electronic prescriptions exchange service. As RxPad is integrated with eRx, each prescriber will need to obtain a new eRx Entity ID from eRx. You will be unable to use existing eRx Entity IDs registered with other software providers.

Once registered, please check your email inbox for your eRx Entity ID.

  • Click here to register

  • If you need help, click here for instructions

Step 3: Sign-up on RxPad

Once you have your HPI-O, HPI-I and eRx Entity ID ready, and have linked our CSP number, complete the onboarding process by clicking the 'Log In' button below and select 'Sign Up'.

My clinic is set up in RxPad and I want to join as a new user

Step 1: Have you or your clinician's HPI-I number ready

Your HPI-I (Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individuals) is a unique number that identifies you in the HI Service. Each individual clinician needs a HPI-I in order to electronically prescribe.

  • If you can’t find your HPI-I number, click here for instructions.

Step 2: Obtain a new eRx Entity ID from eRx

eRx is the national prescriptions exchange service that provides a secure and safe electronic transfer of prescription information, between medical practitioners and pharmacists. As RxPad is integrated with eRx, you will need to obtain a new eRx Entity ID from eRx. Please note that you will be unable to use existing eRx Entity IDs registered for another software provider.

Once registered, please check the email inbox you nominated in the eRx Prescriber Registration Form for your eRx Entity ID.

  • As RxPad is integrated with eRx, you will need to obtain a new eRx Entity ID from eRx. Please note that you will be unable to use existing eRx Entity IDs registered for another software provider.

  • To register, follow this link for the registration form on the eRx website.

  • If you need help, please follow this link for detailed instructions on the registration process.

Step 3: Sign-up on RxPad

Once you have your HPI-O, HPI-I and eRx Entity ID ready, complete the onboarding process by clicking the 'Log In' button below and select 'Sign Up'.

Click the blue button below for instructions on what to do once you click Sign Up:

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